LcL FAQ from A to Z

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LcL language school FAQ from A to Z: Frequently asked questions and answers about registration, placement for language courses/ÖIF exam/visa for Austria, language exams, and more. 

Glance through our website and find the language course offer that's right for you. Select your course, e.g., German courses, English lessons, private tutoring, French, Spanish, Italian, etc., ÖIF exam or language exam preparation, job-related language training, technical language training for your profession, travel language courses, senior academy, and much more.

Take a look at the wide variety of highly relevant language course offers in our portfolio. We're certain there's a course for you. Then, register for your language course or workshop at the LcL Institute or right here online.

LcL language lessons: German courses A1-C2 for the ÖIF exam and visa

Do you need more information about registration and booking or course types, course content, course duration, and study times? Find the answer for every language level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2) here. Or do you not know which level your course should be? Our language experts can give you a professional placement test that will help you choose the right language course for you.

We also have German courses with integration knowledge that prepare you for the ÖIF exam. Additionally, the LcL Institute offers other private language courses for young and old. We're happy to answer any questions about teachers, the Language Lab, language lessons for certain professions, language exams, language courses with accommodation, financial aid, residence permit, and government authorities.

On this page you can find useful answers to frequently asked questions about language lessons and registration, course placement, language exams, and visa for Austria.

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What is the ÖIF and how can the ÖIF exam help me?

ÖIF is an acronym for the Austrian Integration Fund. It’s part of Municipal Department 35 of the Austrian government, which helps migrants integrate into Austria. The ÖIF supports migrants in learning German and offers several ÖIF German integration exams. These exams verify your German skills and the validity of your residency permit. When you take an ÖIF exam, you receive a language certificate from the ÖIF, so from the Austrian Integration Fund. This certificate serves as official verification of German skills.

To apply for a visa, you must pass the ÖIF exam with integration knowledge (A1, A2 or B1). Read more in the FAQ section on financial aid, visa and authorities.