Enrich your vocabulary!

We’ll speak and write playfully and creatively about topics of your choice. Overcome barriers, find better words to replace boring ones, outsmart that first and most challenging sentence, form texts from only a few words, and impress others personally and professionally

Our language expert
Karin Mück

“I’m a journalist, PR copywriter, and creative writer. I studied Communication Sciences at the University of Vienna. After that, I received practical training at the KURIER and was the Vienna editor for 20 years. I’ve been self-employed since 2007. Besides working in magazine journalism, I’ve written for the city of Vienna, the Vienna Economic Chambers, Schönbrunn Palace, Schloss Hof, East Tyrol tourism, Theater am Spittelberg, art dealership lichterloh, design label Normalzeit, das möbel,… I’m also a trainer for the AMS’s entrepreneurship program, the BFI Vienna, and the University of Applied Arts.”

“Juggling letters, giving the right words their curtain call, conjuring up images in people’s heads: That’s at the center of my life, even after 35 years of professional experience with undiminished passion and creative joy. I especially love passing on my enthusiasm for writing for others’ long-lasting use.”

What you learn in this workshop

More security and confidence using language (written or spoken)
Creative techniques like A-Z seed boxes, intuitive writing, and word snippet texts
New, inspiring approaches to your ideas
Easy-going phrasing – with the motto “getting into a writing flow”
Improved clarity that is pointedly to the point

Available course dates

Apply in 4 easy steps


You register

You select your preferred course and sign up.


We organize

We organize your course and send you an invoice for the course.


You pay

You choose your preferred payment method and pay the course fee.


We confirm

We send you a booking confirmation via e-mail after we receive the payment.