German compact evening courses A1-C2

Don’t have time to visit a classic German course during the day? You can learn German in the evening just as effectively. All our German courses also take place after 5 pm: Our intensive courses as well as our less intensive courses, including courses for professionals, specialist courses for healthcare and finance professions, grammar courses, conversation practice, and many more. These courses usually start at 5pm and add German practice to your usual daily routine. Take steps to get closer to any language level between A1-C2 that you desire.

Residing, living, and working in Austria using German

Spend time after work to expand your German knowledge with the help of competent German trainers in small, pleasant groups of 8 participants or less. Go through all the required study and speaking modules you need if you plan to take the German integration exam. This course also teaches the ÖIF’s values and integration knowledge for Austria. Your teacher follows the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) at varying intensity to make certain that what you learn is in accordance with standards for language skills at your A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 level.

Learn to speak German in the LcL Language Lab

Through regular participation in speaking exercises in the LcL Language Lab you’ll master speaking and understanding German. You can take a German evening course in person as well as online*

*In the case of online course participation, the phonetics units in the LcL language laboratory are omitted.

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In 4 Schritten zum Kurs


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